Eclipse Reflections

Happy solar eclipse! What a cool time to reflect on what is no longer serving us ("the dark") as we step into our more aligned selves ("the light"). I've been reflecting on what I'd like to let go of: limiting beliefs, scarcity mindset and the HUSTLE.


Are you feeling drained by the constant hustle too? You're not alone. Many successful women like you, including myself!, experience a disconnect from their feminine side, leading to lack of clarity and potential burnout.


Maybe you, like me, feel the pressure to constantly "prove" yourself. You juggle a demanding career, personal life, and the relentless feeling of needing to do more – it can feel like A LOT.


But what if there was another way? A way to achieve success that feels aligned and empowering? That's where reconnecting with your feminine power comes in.


In 2018, life offered me an opportunity in a scary package. It was the space to look at where I was and actually make changes to get where I wanted to be. Picture this: a toxic marriage, a career I could no longer grow within all bundled in a lack of self-confidence and self-awareness. It was time to connect back to who I was and how I actually wanted to live my life – no more unfulfilling autopilot!


The journey that started back in 2018 has led me to a life I choose daily; one of intention, connection and JOY. The woman and life I had before is almost unrecognizable to me. Today, I radiate love and purpose as a successful entrepreneur, dedicated partner, and "bonus mama". I've tapped in to my feminine becoming more energized, focused, and productive --achieving my goals with greater ease and flow.


I want the same for you, friend. And the first step comes simply in awareness…


Life has a way of throwing us for a loop