Risky Business

I hope this writing finds you in a moment of peace on this beautiful Sunday. If not, let’s make it one. Deep breath in…breathe out and RELEASE. Repeat as many times as you need to be here –in this moment [I find three times is the sweet spot]. I’m so happy you’re here.

I've had a topic on my heart as some big, beautiful changes have been taking place in my life. I share, as it is now, mostly unfiltered, in the hope as always that you’ll find some piece that “clicks” in whatever stage of life you are currently in. This week, I officially turned in the keys to my apartment in Charlotte. The same one I moved into two years ago, not knowing anyone in the city or having any kind of plan for the future. I took a risk. I didn’t know if it would work out, who I would meet or what would transpire–I was uncomfortable to say the least. But I knew this feeling was all part of the process. You see, this risk was one of a series of risks that I had taken over the last few years. I have become somewhat of a professional in doing things that make me super uncomfortable. But I assure you, I was not made that way.

Just a few years ago, I was someone who avoided any potential changes to my life– I didn’t want to “mess up” what I had by actually considering what it was that I wanted. I became completely risk-adverse, avoiding anything that could impact my teaching career or my former marriage. I was inactive in growth–going through the motions and letting other people decide for me. I share this to make it as clear as possible that if taking a risk scares the shit out of you, friend – I’ve been there and I understand the anxiety that comes up with even thinking about the word.

Here’s the thing though: there has never been a risk that I’ve taken since then that hasn’t come with incredible reward or beautiful lessons to be learned. The universe has this crazy way of rewarding those who challenge their instincts and fears by acting on them. When you do what feels straight up scary to even think about, you prove to yourself just how badass you actually are. You become more YOU each time. When faced with a new risk, you can remind yourself “well shiiit, if I can do [fill in amazing scary thing you did before], I can certainly do [fill in the next scary thing]!

The risk you’re thinking of right now, this idea on your heart, the icky feeling in your stomach—it’s there, right in this moment for a purpose. I truly believe it is because you’re meant to do something with it. Your gut and your body is telling you to take action. Sometimes that’s the whole big action: quitting your job, moving to a new city, taking a chance on that relationship, booking an international trip, having the conversation. Sometimes it’s just one action step in that direction like editing your resume, scheduling an apartment tour, going on that date, downloading the dating app, finding a travel agent or resource, finding a therapist…the list could go on and on. I encourage you, though, no matter the way you approach it— focus on the action steps. It’s easy to get caught up in the planning piece as it can be “easier” but the reality of life is that the plans you make will change and evolve along the way generally into experiences way better than you’d imagined. This beaut

iful and aligned process cannot take place unless you take the first step.

As a human who went from fearing truly living her life to traveling solo full-time for almost a year being more alive and authentic than she’s ever been, I can tell you the scariest things are always the most worth it. When I moved to Charlotte two years ago, I couldn’t have even imagined my life as it is today. This morning, I woke up next to the love of my life, hugged my sensational bonus kid and headed out the door to have coffee and co-work with an amazing friend as I poured into my TWO businesses that support women in creating lives they truly love. This is the stuff of dreams that I hadn’t dreamed before, this life is a direct result of taking risks time and time again.

You deserve the life of your deepest desires, my friend. No doubt about it.

Aligned Action Item

The reality is, you’ve likely already taken a lot of actions in your life that could be considered risks but we don’t often reflect on all of the amazing things we’ve done in our lives as we’re busy living! Reflection is key in recognizing our own magic and this week’s activity is a great way to help.

Start an "I Did That" List

Grab a notebook or your phone and start a new note. Think back to accomplishments that you’ve completed in your life, all the way from your earliest memories through today. Start writing down each one, quick bullet points. Don’t analyze if it’s “enough” of an accomplishment or a risk– if it comes to mind, write it down! Keep going until you can’t think of any more in these moments. Don’t worry, this is a running list–one you’ll keep adding to.

Keep this list somewhere that you can see it and add to it. Read it when you’re feeling a lack of accomplishment on a busy day or week. Come back to it when you’re thinking about taking a risk or making a decision. Look at all those things you’ve done!! Know that this means you have SO many more to come in your life.

