Trust + Let it Unfold

Just be here, let it flow. The truth is it is as it will be. I know that’s hard, i’m in it with you! But what if there’s nothing you need to accomplish right now?

Awareness is actually the first step. You can check it off like a to-do list item.

Action has its place — speed, “calmness” is all up to you.
Aligned action works that way!

The unlock: the invitations actually come when we aren’t rushing through. When we give ourselves SPACE to be and feel. We’ll hear the knowing to do the big + scary thing, to invest, and more often to just be and watch the unfolding. All the invitations come along the way. Each step unfolds to the next.

You have already done so much, love. ✨

We wouldn’t get here without what we did before. It’s all on the path!

Let’s be present and watch the unfolding without attempting to control it.

We don’t actually have the control, why spend time thinking we do and being in that energy?

Just be you, listen in, get curious. 🤍


New Year, New Me??


What if you didn’t let it hold you back?