I’m in an uncomfortable state.

Yup, you read that right! Right now as I write this, I’m in a place where I’m feeling pretty freaking uncomfortable— maybe the most I’ve been in while.

AND I’m okay with it.

How can I be okay with being uncomfortable? When I lean into this “out-of-place” “don’t-know-what’s-next”-kinda feelings, I can hear my intuition even better and I’m able to practice receiving (instead of forcing!).

I know this is when the BEST things in my life have happened and that it can be the same for you.

In June of this year, I went full-time into my own business. The timing was unexpected but the result is exactly what I needed and had been asking for—- more time & space to dive into my soul work: creating spaces for women to be their authentic selves & create lives they truly want to live.

All well & good, right? This work is my passion & purpose and when I was trying to balance with a full time corporate job, I found myself frustrated with not enough time to make all I wanted become reality.

So I got exactly what I’d asked for and then steps in…discomfort, fear, concern.

This time has been exploratory—the opposite of what I’d expected to have. I begged for time to work on all these things and when I got the time, I’ve been challenged to rethink my goals, my offers, my day to day life. it’s felt like less action and much more reflection & contemplation.

Uggh..so uncomfortable!

But the slow down, the reflection has been tough work, especially when my trained brain is saying hustle, work, grind, no sleep, work all the time.

BUT my soul, my gut, my intuition, my body…it’s telling me to take it slow, think it through, give yourself space to BE.

So I have.

I’ve listened.

And I’m still listening.

Don’t get me wrong, actions have happened — our first BravespaceCLT retreat is a month away, our online group is up & running with collaboration and live mentoring calls, the upcoming events calendar through the end of this year is in progress & my house is getting pretty freaking clean after months of delay — but they’ve been surrounded by a lot of open time and space for reflection and joy.

I don’t know exactly what’s next but I’m beginning to realize that’s the fun of it — the possibilities are endless for us. I know how incredible & aligned these possibilities will be especially because I didn’t rush anything — I just leaned into the uncomfortable.

Breathwork Technique (for those uncomfortable moments)

4-7-8 Breathing

A technique created by Andrew Weil M.D., founder and director of the Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona, this exercise can help calm your nervous system quickly. You can do this exercise either sitting or lying down.

Here’s how to practice 4-7-8 breathing, according to Dr. Weil:

1. Place one hand on your belly and the other on your chest.

2. Count to four as you take a deep, slow breath from your belly.

3. Hold your breath for seven counts.

4. Breathe out for eight counts. Try to get all the air out of your lungs by the time you count to eight.

5. Repeat three to seven times or until you feel calm.

6. Take a few minutes to sit and feel the sensations in your body and mind before returning to your day.



What if you didn’t let it hold you back?

